Win a Weekend Trip to Chicago Contest
ELIGIBILITY: Win a Weekend Trip to Chicago Contest is open to all legal residents of Canada who have reached the age of majority in their province or territory of residence at time of entry.
TIMING: Win a Weekend Trip to Chicago Contest ends on January 31 at 23:59:59 PM ET.
HOW TO ENTER: Visit the Contest website at and follow the link to access the Contest or visit the CW Beggs and Sons Canada’s Facebook page at and follow the link to access the Contest application. Total of one (1) Entry per person, per address and Facebook account.
PRIZES: There is a total of five thousand three hundred and two (5,302) prizes available to be won during the Contest Period. The total approximate retail value (“ARV”) of all Prizes is thirty seven thousand two hundred and fifty-two Canadian dollars (CDN $37,252).
The Prizes are described as follows: Weekend Trip to Chicago.
There are up to two (2) weekend trips for two (2) in Chicago available to be won during the Contest Period.
The Trip includes, for the winner and one (1) guest (two (2) persons in total) round trip coach airfare for two (2) adults, from the airport located nearest to the winner’s residence to an airport in Chicago (ARV of CDN $800); accommodations for two (2) nights at a four (4) star hotel selected at Sponsor’s sole discretion in one (1) standard room with double occupancy (ARV CDN $1,500); two (2) dinners for two (2) adults at restaurants selected at Sponsor’s sole discretion (ARV CDN $400); and an amount of two hundred and fifty Canadian dollars (CDN $250) to be given to the winner and guest respectively, as spending money (total of CDN $500).
The total ARV of the Trip is three thousand five hundred Canadian dollars (CDN $3,500).
Instant Prizes: There are three hundred (300) instant prizes available to be won during the Contest Period each consisting in one (1) gift basket of CW Beggs and Sons products (ARV CDN $30.84 each).
CW Beggs and Sons Samples: There are five thousand (5,000) samples of CW Beggs and Sons products (ARV CDN $4.20) available to be won during the Contest Period. The samples will be awarded to the first five thousand (5,000) eligible Entries received during the Contest Period, while supplies last.
December 17, 2015 @ 4:17 PM
This web site will not go on the Chicago contest ???????