TMNT KD in a Half Shell Contest
Winner will receive from the #TMNT #KD in a Half Shell #Contest (kdinahalfshell·ca), a TMNT Prize Pack, with an approximate retail value of $2,500.
Winner will receive from the #TMNT #KD in a Half Shell #Contest (kdinahalfshell·ca), a TMNT Prize Pack, with an approximate retail value of $2,500.
Grand prize for the Similac Strolling in Style Giveaway (similac·com/sweepstakes), a Fall Fashion Grand Prize Package, worth over $5,000.
Prize for the Doritos and Mountain Dew Gear Up For a Battle Promotion (DewandDoritos·ca), an XBOX ONE Console.
Prize for the My notebook #contest (ourcheeses·com) (fromagesdici·com), a #Samsung Galaxy #tablets.
Prize for the American Girl Samantha Online Doll Drawing (americangirl·com/winsamantha), a #Samantha doll & a Manners and Mischief.
Grand prize for the #DrPepper Cold Sucks XBOX #Contest – (coldsucks·ca), an #XBOXONE console.
Prize for the #Klipsch Lucky #Sweepstakes (hhgregg·com/luckor), a Klipsch Reference R-28F home theater system & a Indianapolis #Colts jersey signed by Andrew Luck.
Grand prize for the Outlander Ultimate Viewing Party Sweepstakes with STARZ – Starz·com/Outlanderviewingparty, a 60″ Smart TV with a home theater speaker system.
Grand prize for the #HTC Captain America Winter Soldier DVD Release #Sweepstakes – htc·com/us/Captain-America, one (1) HTC One (M8) limited edition Hydra class #CaptainAmerica phone.