Tim Hortons Duelling Donuts Contest – duellingdonuts.ca
Winner will receive from the Tim Hortons Duelling Donuts Contest – duellingdonuts·ca, $10,000. 26 daily prizes of a $50 Tim Card.
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Winner will receive from the Tim Hortons Duelling Donuts Contest – duellingdonuts·ca, $10,000. 26 daily prizes of a $50 Tim Card.
Winner will receive from the RAM 1500 Victory Lap Sweepstakes – RamVictoryLap·motortrend·com, a 2014 RAM 1500.
Winner will receive from the Walmart 20th Anniversary Balloon Bash Game – walmart.ca/balloonbash, 1 of 2 $2,500 Walmart Gift Cards or Instantly Win 1 of 750 $20 Walmart Gift Cards.
Winner will receive from the Coastal Living J.Jill’s Destination Relaxation Sweepstakes – coastalliving.com/jjill, a $1,000 J.Jill gift card plus a two night stay at The Ocean House in Watch Hill, RI.
Winner will receive from the Let’s Get Dinner Done Instant Win Game & Sweepstakes – letsgetdinnerdone·com, a kitchen makeover, awarded as a $15,000 check.
Winner will receive from the Rock Your Finances $50K Giveaway – sweeps·aarp·org/retirement2014, a check for $50,000.
Winner will receive from the Crush Turtles 1 in 10 Wins Game – crushsoda·com, a free movie ticket.
Winner will receive from the Get a 1D Degree Sweepstakes – geta1ddegree·com, a trip in the USA to see a One Direction concert.
Winner will receive from the Cottonelle Take A Spin Sweepstakes – cottonelle·com, $10,000 to be used towards a Bathroom Makeover.