Confess Your Shoe Love Contest
Is it wine? Chocolate? Your boyfriend? Let us know “what you love shoes more than” and you could win a $50 Town Shoes gift card or the $250 Grand Prize gift card.
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Is it wine? Chocolate? Your boyfriend? Let us know “what you love shoes more than” and you could win a $50 Town Shoes gift card or the $250 Grand Prize gift card.
@KITKATca. Show us how you’re taking a break from contests on Twitter by mentioning #nontest for your chance to win a trip prize of $10,000!
How do you Boo? Always Be Out of the Ordinary and you could win a wicked prize pack!
Vote for your favorite Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts flavor for your chance to win a $100 Bank-issued, pre-loaded Gift Card.
Share now for a chance to win a $200 date night shopping spree and a year’s supply of Purex Crystals!
Lay’s is giving you a chance to bring some of the world’s best-tasting chip flavours to Canada! Vote on which World Flavourites you want for a chance to win.
Happy 150th BIRRRTHDAY Canada! Roll Up The Rim To Win Special Canada 150 Edition. 1 of 10 Ultimate Canadian Vacations! Valued at $10,000! Enter now!
Play and share FLIP’n WIN for your chance to win $1,000!
Share. You could win a family trip to Hawaii or 1 of 1,000s of instant-win prizes!